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Message par EIB Mar 22 Nov - 14:16

Que dire de plus... Bon aller on floode !

Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Message par J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤ Mar 22 Nov - 15:23

Mourir au premier rang, lutter pour la patrie,

C'est le sort le plus beau digne d'un bon guerrier...

O garçons ! au combat luttez en rangs serrés,

Car la fuite est honteuse autant que la panique...

Les aînés, les anciens, dont les genoux sont raides,

N'allez pas vous enfuir et les abandonner .

[b]La guerre est semblable au feu; ceux qui ne veulent pas déposer les armes périssent par les armes.[/b]

Je viens ici pour conquerir ce monde tout comme je le fait dans le monde Delta ou je suis classer dans les 800 premiers et membre de l'alliance romaine des Vae Victis ou nous affrontons en ce moment meme les terribles hordes des barbares Democratik. Maintenant sur Corynte , je battir un vaste empire et ecraser sans merci tout ceux qui me resiste , et qui feront de l'ombre a mes projets d'expansion a moi , ou a un membre de ma futur alliance.

Ceux qui ne veulent pas déposer les armes vont périr par les armes.

je n'ai pas peur , vos attaques ne me feront pas peur , c'est vous qui devrez avoir peur de mes terrible représailles. Toute attaque sera vengée , que ce soit sur moi , ou ceux de mon alliance et mes amis. Avant de me cherchez des ennuis , essaye de réfléchir a ce qu'il se passerait si c'est moi qui te cherchait des ennuis , et tu verra que tu ne m'attaquera pas.

O___o , Texte de Profil pour un jeu en ligne xD , ca fait peur
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤

Messages : 72
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2011
Age : 33
Localisation : Sur la Lune

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Message par EIB Mar 22 Nov - 15:40

Mode d’action : R7TM

Régulation :
- Sur PLA2 : activé par les cytokines pro-inflammatoires (IL1α, Il-6, TNFβ), inactivé par les glucocorticoïdes (plus puissants inhibiteurs de l’inflammation, suivent un rythme Nyc théméral c’est-à-dire activité durant le jour et repos durant la nuit, empêchent le relargage de l’acide arachidonique).
- Sur cyclo-oxygénase et 5-lipoxygénase : activé par les cytokines pro-inflammatoires (IL1α, Il-6, TNFβ)

ça te fait pas peur ça peut-etre ?

Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Message par #CREATURE Mar 22 Nov - 16:05

CHIKARA Sekigun I defeated Chuck Taylor and Nobuyoki Koshin in 10:31

Messages : 3443
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2011
Age : 30
Localisation : Saint-Benoit


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Message par DJ Mar 22 Nov - 16:14

Une e fed pas comme les autres ...

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Mon ipod copie nimp Votre CTRL+V 1929873797

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Date d'inscription : 02/06/2011
Age : 28
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Message par EIB Mer 23 Nov - 11:57


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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Message par DJ Mer 23 Nov - 15:13


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Age : 28
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Message par J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤ Mer 23 Nov - 17:15

J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤

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Date d'inscription : 11/11/2011
Age : 33
Localisation : Sur la Lune

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Message par EIB Mer 23 Nov - 17:21


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Age : 32

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Message par J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤ Mer 23 Nov - 19:57

J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤

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Date d'inscription : 11/11/2011
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Localisation : Sur la Lune

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Message par Sir Paco Mer 23 Nov - 21:10

Sir Paco
Sir Paco

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Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 29

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Message par EIB Jeu 24 Nov - 10:59

J'utilise : "Je ne veux plus te voir"

Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Message par J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤ Sam 24 Déc - 20:30

Bon réveillon de Noel a a tous Very Happy

Votre CTRL+V Dscf0011

Votre CTRL+V Dscf0013
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤

Messages : 72
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2011
Age : 33
Localisation : Sur la Lune

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Message par Homicide Dim 25 Déc - 20:21

- Que représente Christmas Night V pour vous ?
- Qu'attendez-vous de Christmas Night IV ?
- Quel adversaire auriez-vous aimer affronter ce soir ?
- Votre plus grand rival en 2011 ?
- Votre plus grand match en 2011 ?
- Quelle est votre plus grande victoire cette année ?
- La chose dont vous etes le plus fier dans votre carrière, pour le moment ?
- A vos yeux, quel est le plus prestigieux lutteur de WWE Raw ?
- Qu'attendez-vous de 2012 ?

Messages : 317
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2011
Age : 28
Localisation : Melun

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Message par DJ Dim 25 Déc - 20:58

t'as viré du monde Very Happy

Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2011
Age : 28
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Message par J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤ Mer 28 Déc - 2:39

Attack On Murron
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤
J.G. ¤ MasterMind Alex ¤

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Date d'inscription : 11/11/2011
Age : 33
Localisation : Sur la Lune

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Message par EIB Mer 28 Déc - 13:46

comment va t`on s`y prendre pour le passage de pouvoir pour la sélection Irlandaise ?

Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Message par Dex Mer 28 Déc - 13:54

Please read:
A personal appeal from
an author of 2,463 Wikipedia articles
Read now
Chris Benoit double murder and suicideFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Chris Benoit
double murder-suicide

Location Fayetteville, Georgia, United States
Date June 22, 2007 – June 25, 2007 (Eastern Time Zone)
Attack type Murder-suicide
Death(s) 3 (including the perpetrator)
Perpetrator Chris Benoit
The Chris Benoit double murder suicide occurred over a three-day period ending on June 24, 2007. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) professional wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife, Nancy Benoit, strangled his seven-year-old son, Daniel, and subsequently committed suicide by hanging. Autopsy results showed that Benoit first murdered his wife, Nancy. She was bound at the feet and wrists and died of asphyxiation some time on Friday, Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard told a news conference. She was wrapped in a towel and some blood was found under her head but Ballard said there were no other signs of a struggle. The couple's son, who also died of asphyxia, was apparently killed as he lay in bed on Saturday morning, hours before Benoit committed suicide by hanging himself in his weight room. Benoit placed copies of the Bible alongside the bodies of his wife and son, as well as a third copy of the Bible on his weight lifting machine.[1][2]

Since Benoit's suicide, numerous explanations for his actions have been proposed, including concussions,[3] steroid abuse,[4] and a failing marriage with his wife.[5] The murder led to numerous media accounts, and federal investigation into steroid abuse in professional wrestling.

Contents [hide]
1 Murder and suicide
1.1 Nancy Benoit
1.2 Between the two murders
1.3 Daniel Benoit
1.4 Chris Benoit
1.5 Discovery of the bodies
2 Possible motives
3 Responses
3.1 World Wrestling Entertainment
3.2 Professional wrestling industry
3.3 Media
3.4 Government
4 Steroids debate
4.1 Background
4.2 Toxicology results
4.3 Dr. Astin
5 Wikipedia controversy
6 Notes
7 External links

[edit] Murder and suicide[edit] Nancy BenoitMain article: Nancy Benoit
On Friday, June 22, Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy in an upstairs office. Her limbs were bound, and her body was wrapped in a towel. A copy of the Bible was left by her body. Injuries indicated that Benoit had pressed a knee into the back while pulling on a cord around the neck, causing strangulation. Blood was also found under her head, suggesting she may have tried to fend off her attacker. However, officials stated there were no signs of immediate struggle.[6]

[edit] Between the two murdersAt about 3:30 p.m. EDT on Saturday, June 23, Chavo Guerrero[7] received a voicemail message from Benoit's phone stating that he overslept and missed his flight and would be late for that night's house show in Beaumont, Texas. Guerrero called Benoit back and Benoit sounded tired and groggy as he confirmed everything that he had said in his voice message. Guerrero, who was "concerned about Benoit's tone and demeanor", called him back twelve minutes later. Benoit did not answer the call and Guerrero left a message asking Benoit to call back.

At 3:44 p.m. EDT, Benoit called Guerrero back, stating that he did not answer the call because he was on the phone with Delta Air Lines changing his flight. Benoit stated that he had a stressful day due to Nancy and Daniel "being sick with food poisoning". A co-worker who often traveled with Benoit called him from outside the Houston airport and Benoit answered. Benoit told the coworker that Nancy was vomiting blood and that Daniel was also vomiting.

On Sunday, June 24, five text messages were sent to co-workers between 3:51 a.m. and 3:58 a.m. using both Chris Benoit's and Nancy Benoit's cell phones. Four of them were the Benoit's address and the fifth said that the family's dogs were in the enclosed pool area also noting a garage side door was left open.

During this time Benoit called and left a voicemail for an unknown friend. Benoit later called WWE's talent relations office stating that his son was vomiting and that he and Nancy were at the hospital with him. He also stated that he would be taking a later flight into Houston, but would not make the live event in Beaumont.[8]

[edit] Daniel BenoitDaniel Benoit was suffocated and killed in his bedroom, and a copy of the Bible was left by his body.[9] The boy had internal injuries to the throat area, but showed no bruises.[10] Daniel's exact time of death is unknown.[11] The reports determined Daniel was sedated with Xanax and likely unconscious when he was killed.[12][13] A large butcher knife was found underneath Daniel's bed, but the knife was not used in either murder.[citation needed]

It was later alleged that Daniel had Fragile X syndrome, and that this was the cause of domestic problems in the Benoit family.[9] It was also suggested that needle marks in Daniel's arms were the result of growth hormones given to him because Benoit and his family considered him undersized due to Fragile X.[14] Benoit's coworker and friend, wrestler Chris Jericho, stated that from his own research on the condition, the symptoms "fit Daniel to a tee, all across the board." With regard to those who had publicly stated that they had no knowledge of Daniel suffering from the condition, Jericho said, "If Chris had decided that he wanted to keep it to himself, you wouldn't have been able to pry that out of him with anything."[15] Despite Chris Jericho's initial statements regarding Daniel, he later stated in his 2011 book Undisputed, "It turned out that Daniel didn't have fragile X, but at the time it made sense because I was grasping at straws." [16]

However, District Attorney Ballard later released a statement saying that a source with access to Daniel's medical files found no mention of any pre-existing mental or physical ailments. Likewise, Daniel Benoit's educators reported that he was on par with other students and not about to be held back as previously thought.[17] Whether Daniel suffered from Fragile X Syndrome has never been officially established.

[edit] Chris BenoitMain article: Chris Benoit
Chris Benoit, according to District Attorney Ballard, committed suicide by hanging.[11] Benoit apparently used a weight machine cord to hang himself by creating a noose from the end of the cord. When Benoit released the weights — approximately 240 pounds (110 kg), a total weight six pounds greater than that of Benoit's body[citation needed] — the move caused his strangulation. Ballard said the pull-down bar had been removed and Benoit was hanging from a pulley.

[edit] Discovery of the bodiesOn Monday, June 25, WWE was notified of the text messages sent to Chavo Guerrero and Scott Armstrong. The company asked the Fayette County Sheriff's Department to check on the Benoit family. After discovering the bodies, the police notified WWE around 4:15 p.m., informing them that they had discovered three bodies at the Benoit home and the house was now ruled as a "major crime scene".[8]

A suicide note was not discovered during the initial investigation, but a note was later discovered in another Bible that had been included in Benoit's possessions that was sent to his first wife. According to Benoit's father Michael, "There was a note that was found in a Bible by the mother of Chris’s two children (Martina Benoit) that lives in Canada... The Bible was mixed in with Chris’s personal belongings that were shipped to them. He had a hand-written notation in there saying I'm preparing to leave this Earth.".[18][19]

[edit] Possible motivesWWE attorney Jerry McDevitt appeared on Live with Dan Abrams on July 17, 2007 and said that Benoit was prescribed testosterone as part of a treatment for testosterone replacement therapy, which McDevitt said was a common medical practice for people who had used steroids in the past, and had suffered testicular damage as a result.

Former wrestler Christopher Nowinski stated that Benoit may have been suffering from repeated, untreated concussions throughout his wrestling career, ultimately leading to an unstable mental state. Nowinski was quoted as saying that Benoit "was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head ... which is stupid."[20] Tests were conducted on Benoit's brain by Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University, and results showed that "Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient."[21] Tests conducted on Benoit's brain tissue revealed he did in fact suffer from severe chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE),[22] and had brain damage in all four lobes of the brain and brain stem.[23] Bailes and his colleagues concluded that repeated concussions can lead to dementia, which can contribute to severe behavioral problems. Benoit's father suggests that brain damage may have been the leading cause of the double murder-suicide.[24] A statement released by WWE dismissed this idea as "speculative".[25]

Nancy Benoit had filed for divorce in May 2003, allegedly after domestic abuse from Chris, but had withdrawn it in August 2003.[26] In February 2008, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reported that Nancy may have suspected her husband of having an affair with a WWE Diva, and that they may have also argued over a life insurance policy. The AJC claimed the source was a recently released report from the Fayette County Sheriff's Office.[27]

[edit] Responses[edit] World Wrestling EntertainmentThe event was first reported to fans of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) on their WWE Mobile Alerts Service and posted to their official website soon after. On their website, the company released the following statement:

“ World Wrestling Entertainment is deeply saddened to report that today Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. There are no further details at this time, other than the Benoit family residence is currently being investigated by local authorities. Tonight’s Raw on USA Network will serve as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family. WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family’s relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy.[28] ”

WWE canceled the scheduled three-hour-long live Raw show on June 25 (which, coincidentally, was supposed to be a scripted memorial for the Mr. McMahon character), and replaced the broadcast version with a tribute to his life and career, featuring past matches, segments from the Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD, and comments from wrestlers and announcers from the RAW, Smackdown! and the now-defunct ECW brands. Shortly after the program aired, many of the aired comments were posted on WWE.com. It was not until the program was nearly over that reports surfaced that police were working under the belief that Benoit murdered his wife and son before killing himself.

The next night, after some of the details of the deaths became available, the company aired a recorded statement by its Chairman Vince McMahon before their ECW broadcast:

“ Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Last night on Monday Night Raw, the WWE presented a special tribute show, recognizing the career of Chris Benoit. However, now some 26 hours later, the facts of this horrific tragedy are now apparent. Therefore, other than my comments, there will be no mention of Mr. Benoit's name tonight. On the contrary, tonight's show will be dedicated to everyone who has been affected by this terrible incident. This evening marks the first step of the healing process. Tonight, WWE performers will do what they do better than anyone else in the world: entertain you. ”

After learning about the full details of his and his family's deaths, WWE quickly distanced itself from Chris Benoit:

With the exception of his results and listings in WWE's title history (though the summaries of his title reigns have been removed), and select press releases from WWE's corporate subsite,[29] the WWE website removed all past mentions of Benoit, including all news articles relating to the specific details of the incident, as well as his biography and the video tribute comments from Benoit's peers.
WWE pulled the tribute episode from international markets which aired Raw on a tape delay basis. Several channels announced the episode was being withheld for legal reasons. A substitute Raw, hosted by Todd Grisham from WWE Studios, was created featuring recaps of John Cena's WWE Championship victories, mainly the ones that had occurred over the past year.
Some countries that received WWE programming up to three weeks late had all Chris Benoit matches edited out.
Their merchandising website, wweshop.com, followed suit with regard to all Benoit-related merchandise.
All mentions of Benoit have been removed from archived footage broadcast on WWE Classics whenever possible. This policy also originally included footage of Nancy Benoit, although footage of her appearances has since been allowed to air. Matches and other footage involving Benoit have appeared very sparingly on any new DVD releases by WWE.
Benoit, along with his "Crippler Crossface" and other signature moves, were removed from the WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 video game, after Benoit was originally included in the game as a playable character.[30]
Benoit is listed in the WWE Encyclopedia, where his wrestling career up to where he lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Randy Orton is detailed, along with his title history.
[edit] Professional wrestling industryNumerous individuals in professional wrestling, past and present, commented on the deaths and their aftermath:

Semi-retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan commented solely on the personalities of Benoit and his thoughts on the crime, saying: "He was peaceful and kept to himself" and "I think it had to be something personal, a domestic problem between him and his wife."[31]
Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) employee and former WWF/E co-worker Kurt Angle chose to comment more on the frenzy created by the crime, stating "This is not WWE’s fault and this is not Vince McMahon’s fault. Chris Benoit was responsible for his own actions."[32]
Eric Bischoff, on his website, also commented on the media frenzy, saying: "It's clear that the media wants to blame steroids, professional wrestling, Vince McMahon, or anyone or anything else that further sensationalizes this family tragedy. I refuse to join the choir. I don't have enough information. I wasn't there. I am not a psychiatrist. I just can't imagine how or why this could have happened."[33]
Other wrestlers have also commented, including Lex Luger,[34] Marc Mero,[35] Ted DiBiase, Sr., Bret Hart, Lance Storm,[36] Chyna,[37] Steve Blackman,[38] The Ultimate Warrior, Chris Jericho,[39] and William Regal.[40] Vince McMahon and his wife Linda (WWE CEO) were interviewed (separate and jointly) by various news outlets.[41]
Adam Copeland (Edge) and Chavo Guerrero, Jr. openly spoke about how Benoit's death affected them. Copeland said Benoit was one of the three people he was close to in the WWE and Guerrero said Benoit was a very private person yet a close friend to the Guerrero family.
CM Punk, in an 2011 interview with GQ, briefly touched on the subject of the Benoit murder/suicide (which occurred over four years prior to the interview). He described it as "a pretty... low point in everyone's life. A lot of people don't like to talk about it. It still blows my mind."[42]
In 2003, Benoit had been inducted into the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame. As a result of the double murder-suicide, his induction underwent a recall election in 2008. Benoit was retained as a member by a narrow margin.

[edit] MediaWhen the news was released about Benoit's death, most mainstream news outlets covered the story, including MSNBC and Fox News Channel.[43][44] Benoit made the cover of People magazine. ECW Press announced on July 16 that noted wrestling writer Irvin Muchnick had written a book on the Benoit case, due out in 2008.[45] At the Comedy Central Roast of Flavor Flav in August 2007, Jimmy Kimmel joked to honoree Flavor Flav that "Chris Benoit is a better father than Flavor Flav", which drew a shocked, appalled response, and laughs from the crowd.[46]

Immediately following the deaths WWE Classics On Demand, WWE's subscription video on demand service, began removing the likeness and mentions of both Chris and Nancy Benoit from archival footage.[47][48] They eventually returned Nancy to programming, but continue to remove Chris from bi-weekly uploaded episodes of WCW Monday Nitro.

[edit] GovernmentWith Benoit and his death allegedly linked to steroid abuse, WWE is currently under investigation by the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform regarding their talent wellness policy.[49] As of June 2009[update], Congress has taken no action against either the WWE or any other professional wrestling company. In January 2009, Henry Waxman, outgoing chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, requested that the Office of National Drug Control Policy chief, John P. Walters, "examine steroid use in professional wrestling and take appropriate steps to address this problem." In the letter, Waxman stated "In the first year of WWE's testing program, which began in March 2006, 40% of wrestlers tested positive for steroids and other drugs, even after being warned in advance that they were going to be tested." He also wrote about how wrestlers who test positive for performance enhancers receive light punishment and afterwards can often participate in wrestling events. The committee investigation also uncovered how easily wrestlers can secure "therapeutic use exemptions" (TUEs, permission to take banned substances for medical reasons) so they can continue performing while using steroids. When Waxman's staff interviewed Dr. Tracy Ray, a physician contracted by WWE, Ray claimed there was "shadiness in almost every [TUE] case that I've reviewed."[50]


Messages : 1052
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2011
Age : 30
Localisation : Suisse

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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par EIB Mer 28 Déc - 14:18


Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par PaCmaN aka Cpt.Spaulding Mer 28 Déc - 16:10

T'as kiffé hein?
PaCmaN aka Cpt.Spaulding
PaCmaN aka Cpt.Spaulding

Messages : 500
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2011
Age : 31
Localisation : La chambre de ta soeur

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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par AJ Mer 28 Déc - 16:30

En fait, dans la vidéo, le garçon représenterait Chris Jericho et la fille CM Punk. Au début, le garçon aka Jericho joue avec le ballon ( qui représente la gimmick BITW ) et la fille ne peut jamais l'atteindre ( en gros Punk n'est pas le meilleur au monde ).

Puis le garçon écrit dans un carnet, et la fille, véxée de ne pas pouvoir lire ce carnet, renverse celui-ci et on observe le Chris rayé. Autrement dit, Punk veut "rayer" Jericho, le faire oublier.

Car dans les vidéos suivantes, le ballon est libre, le garçon ( Jericho ) ne joue plus avec. Et c'est la fille qui le récupère, donc Punk qui récupère la gimmick BITW.

Et dans la dernière vidéo, on voit le garçon qui tente désespérément de reprendre son ballon à la fille qui se l'est appropriée.
BITW = Best In The World.

Messages : 1368
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2011
Age : 26


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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par Flo38G Mer 28 Déc - 18:01

T'est content t'as posté ça sur skype, sur CR et ici Votre CTRL+V 1037825266
Predictions Master.

Messages : 2001
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : grenoble

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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par EIB Mer 28 Déc - 18:09


Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par LinS Mer 28 Déc - 20:17

Mais cela ne nous regarde pas.

Messages : 4495
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2011
Age : 33
Localisation : Jamais loin !


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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

Message par EIB Mer 28 Déc - 20:21

[21:03:45] EIB: AJ = Anus Juvénil

Messages : 3378
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2011
Age : 32

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Votre CTRL+V Empty Re: Votre CTRL+V

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Contenu sponsorisé

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